Donna Lott
Donna smiles as she remembers when God called her to launch a speaking ministry. Naturally shy and already legally blind at that time, she fought the urge to hide under the bed. Instead she reluctantly yielded to the Lord.
Since then, Donna has enjoyed speaking at various women’s retreats, conferences and other special events. Her messages inspire belief and lead audiences to see through eyes of faith.
“It took facing blindness for God to open my eyes to the sufficiency of His grace. Vision loss is the thing that quieted my life, the thing that propelled me into the Word of God. For that, I am grateful.”
Now, a full time speaker, author and Bible teacher, Donna understands more than ever that “all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27 NIV). Only He can transform an introvert into someone who shares Jesus without fear. Only He can equip a person who has failing eyesight with the insight necessary to write a book she can’t physically see.
Through God’s grace and power, Donna enjoys nothing more than captivating audiences with stories that entertain and scripture truths that encourage. Hers is a message of help, hope, and humor.
Donna loves the sound of Bible pages turning and women laughing. She has written and taught Bible studies for more than twenty years. Currently she and her husband teach a weekly Bible study at their home church. In 2012 Donna published her first book, Holding To An Unseen Hand: Secrets Revealed in the Shadows of Life. This five-week devotional offers inspiring words that will serve to refresh and renew the wearied soul.
In addition to her speaking ministry Donna is also a graduate of North Georgia College. She has applied her social work degree in various professional settings. Donna has worked as a crisis counselor, a youth minister and an assistant to blind college students.
Donna currently enjoys life with her husband, Don, in Buford, Georgia. They have three sons who are busy young adults. Though their home seems empty compared to earlier days when the boys were children, family times are more precious than ever.
Spare time is rare, but when it comes you will find Donna listening to books, hanging out with friends and eating great food. A few of her favorite things are chocolate, Starbucks, and a good hair day! Most days Donna can be found enjoying life and managing difficult circumstances with “God, a Grandé Latté and a Good Laugh.”
Donna's Disclaimers:
- Donna’s sense of humor is a natural-born gift. Women are advised to listen at their own risk.
- She takes no responsibility for running mascara due to crying laughter and cannot be held liable for injury incurred while falling out of a chair.