Leading Ladies into the Light
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Are you seeking a Christian speaker and Bible teacher who is experienced in leading super-charged, high-octane, life-changing women’s retreats and conferences? Would you enjoy seeing your women fall more deeply in love with God while trying NOT to fall off their chairs laughing? If so, contact Donna today to learn more about her desire to work with you to plan an insightfully, delightfully special weekend for your group. Donna’s messages are a spiritual shot of espresso and may be just what your ladies need.
What can you expect from a retreat with Donna Lott?
Retreats and conferences will lift your spirit and restore your soul. Donna is committed to bringing an experience that is: solid in substance, Christ-centered, Scripture-based, highly interactive, humor-filled, relevant, and FUN!
Below you will find Donna’s most popular speaking topics for overnight or full weekends. All retreats can be adjusted to fit a 2 - 4 session format.
Power Walking to a Power-FULL Life
Power for daily living can elude even the most seasoned believer. However a life of power is possible when we’re willing to grow in faith one step at a time. In this heartfelt message Donna shares from her own life-lived story of learning to walk by faith when walking by sight was no longer an option.
Women will learn that they too can overcome obstacles in their lives when they:
• Realize that every breaking point can become a turning point.
• Practice the three steps to powerful prayer life.
• Eliminate Stinkin’ Thinkin’ once and for all.
A Joy Story
Why is it we claim to have the joy of the Lord in our hearts and yet fail to “alert our faces”? Donna’s personal testimony is a story of joy. Weeping indeed lasted for a night but joy came in the morning. In these delightful sessions, Donna facilitates Bible teaching that will lead listeners to discover and explore their own joy stories.
Women will leave this retreat with a new-found exuberance as they rediscover:
• True JOY (Falling at His feet with style)
• Lasting JOY (To eternity and the great beyond)
• Pure JOY (Reach for the sky and praise the Lord)
A Soul Vacation
With the variety of responsibilities we have, we often feel over-booked, overstressed, and over-committed. Perhaps its time to press the pause button and escape into a weekend retreat developed to provide rest for your soul. Women will experience again the peace that passes all understanding as they are transported:
• From Chaos to Calm
• From Fear to Faith
• From Distressed to De-stressed
These are some of Donna’s other retreat titles and possibilities:
- Drop the Baggage ~ Display His Splendor
- Viva La (Divine) DIVA!
- Out of the Wreckage and Into His Arms
- Toppling Giants and Winning Battles without Breaking a Nail