A Planting of the Lord

When I began fourth grade, I was thrilled that my good friend Christie was in my same class again. I knew this was a good thing, but later realized it was a God thing.
The first day of school, I noticed a difference in Christie. It wasn’t her appearance. Though she was a little taller, she had the same silky blond hair and pretty blue eyes. She just seemed happier. Her smile seemed to radiate from within. I assumed she’d gone on some great vacation over summer break—Disney World, maybe.

At lunch we sat together, her orange lunch tray across from mine. She was so excited I thought she would pop waiting for the opportunity for girl-talk. Before I could even open my milk carton she exclaimed, “Something great happened to me over summer break.” I braced myself to hear all about Mickey and Minnie. Instead she said, “I accepted Jesus as my Lord. And that’s why I’m so happy. I have Jesus in my heart.” She explained how she’d prayed to receive Christ during revival services at her church and was baptized the following Sunday.

I didn’t have to understand everything about Jesus to know I wanted what made my friend so happy. She talked about Jesus often that school year. Only ten, Christie eagerly shared the reason for the hope within her. The following summer, I prayed and asked Jesus to be my Lord, too.

Christie was an evangelist of the simplest kind, an average fourth-grader whose words and actions made an above-average impact. She was a “planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor” (Isaiah 61:3)—a bouquet of sweet fragrance that conveyed the character of her Lord. She bloomed where she was planted and because the Lord planted her right in my fourth-grade class, I will spend all of eternity with Him.

Ask yourself: Am I a planting of the Lord, displaying His splendor? Am I blooming where I’m planted at work, at home, and elsewhere?

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for the hope that you have.
1 Peter 3:15